Monday, September 30, 2019
Lab 4 Diffusion and Osmosis Essay
1. Diffusion and Osmosis, June 4, 2013 2. Purpose: The purpose of this lab is to help give visual understanding of diffusion which is a solution of high concentration spontaneously (no energy required) moving to an area of low concentration. Also taking a look at osmosis, which is the movement of chemicals across the cell membrane. Osmosis requires some type of energy to be put in for this to happen. After these experiments we should have a better idea and visualization of how chemicals transfer across the cell membrane. 3. Materials: Dropper bottle of water Compound microscope Dissecting needle Carmine powder Slide and coverslip 3 test tubes Transfer pipets 2 400 ml beaker 30 cm moist dialysis tubing 500ml beaker Hot plate Benedicts reagent I2KI solution starch solution Wax pencil 30% glucose solution String or rubber band Test tube rack Slides and cover plates 4. Methods and Procedures: Experiment 1: Prepare a slide of dry carmine and water and cover slip Put under the microscope, examine under the different magnifications, record you findings to later set up your conclusion. Experiment 2: Use dialysis tubing that has been soaking in water, fold it â€Å"accordion style†and use string to close the ends like a bag. Roll opposite end of bag till it opens and add 4 pipettes of 30% glucose into it. Add 4 pipettes of starch solution into it. Mix contents with bag closed. Then rinse with tap water. Add 300 mL of water to a 400- to 500- ml. add a few drops of solution till it turns an amber-yellow color. Leave bag in beaker for 30 minutes. Remove bag then let it dry. Record observations. Experiment 3: Obtain 7 equal size bore hole cylinder from the potato, cut roughly to the same size record the length and weight of each making sure they remain order. Next is to collect 7 cups filled with 100 ml of the 6 different concentrations of glucose (, 0.1 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5, 0.6, and water). Record the time and submerge the potato cylinders in the solutions. Let them sit for an hour and half before removing, weighting and recording the final weight. 5. Observations and data: Experiment 1: Carmine powder observation: movement is random, looks like continuous vibrations Experiment 2: Table 1 Benedicts Test Test final color Before heat of Benedicts test After heat Final Color Water (control) Clear Baby blue Blue Bag Slight yellow Baby blue Yellowish green Beaker Gold Baby blue Orange/pink After letting the bag sit inside the bath for 30 minutes the solution inside the bag went from a clear color to a slight yellow color. And after the final results of benedicts test I can conclude the carbohydrates did move from inside the bag out. My observation concerning the size of the potato cylinder in the glucose decreased as the concentration of glucose increased and the potato in water remained the same size. 6. Conclusion: The carmine powder experiment proved the theory of diffusion because with no energy required you can see the movement of particles under a microscope. Again diffusion is the movement of molecules from high concentration to low concentration with no energy required. On the other hand the experiment concerning osmosis were the dialysis bag and the saturation of the potato. Both experiments demonstrated the movement of sugar or water across a cell membrane. On the dialysis bag experiment we could see the slight color change as the IKI did move across the membrane in to the bag but the big surprise was see that after the benedicts test how strong the sugar content was in the beaker solution. Lastly the potato experiment demonstrated through the change in weight how water could pass through the membrane. As we saw the greater concentration of glucose the more shriveled the potato got, indicating the water inside the potato exited out trying to make the concentration equal. The solution containing strictly water made the potato swell as if the concentration inside was lower than the concentration outside.
Sunday, September 29, 2019
Fresh Water Essay
1. Introduction Fresh water is an indispensable resource for human livelihood, agricultural irrigation and economic development (Brooks, 2007). However, due to the rapid population growth and the limited reserves, increasing regions have faced serious scarcity of fresh water (Williamson, 2010). Saudi Arabia is one of the driest countries in the world (CIA, 2011). According to World Bank (2011), the world average fresh water consumption is nearly 7000m ³/year/person, while the water resource per capita in Saudi Arabia is less than 1200m ³/year/person. In order to satisfy the demand for water, Saudi Arabia currently supplies fresh water via deep drilling of fossil groundwater (UNESCO, 2009). Nevertheless, society increasingly recognises that those water resources are non-renewable and are liable to be reduced by the overexploited boreholes and wells. Thus Saudi Arabia needs to find alternative and sustainable methods to solve these issues. Since there is abundant sea water around Saudi Arabia, large-scale desalination could be the ideal solution to water scarcity. However, the expensive cost and the detrimental influence on the environment might limit the scale and sustainability of this method. Due to the cheap cost and the minor environmental damage, wastewater reuse is regarded as another potential solution. However, it seems to have a low social acceptance. Therefore, this report will compare the feasibility of desalination and water reuse in terms of cost, social acceptance and environmental impacts, thereby exploring the most suitable method to deal with the scarcity of water in Saudi Arabia. 2. Background Saudi Arabia is located in the Middle East, bordering the Persian Gulf and the Red Sea (CIA, 2011). It is famous for the abundant reserves of oil and gas. However, the fresh water resources in Saudi Arabia are very limited. According to World Bank (2011), there is no one river and lake with perennial water throughout this country. Furthermore, due to the influence of the subtropical climate, the annual precipitation is only about 100 mm and the climate is hot and dry (ibid.). Additionally, rapid population growth has caused higher increase of demand for water (Abderrahman, 2000). Shortages of water have constrained the development of agriculture and economy (Williamson, 2010). Since the underground water is estimated to be able to supply for 320 years, the underground water is still the principal source of water at present (UNESCO, 2009: 100). However, with the increasing awareness of defects of this method, the focus of the future development of water provision has shifted to other sustainable water technologies. In order to deal with fresh water shortages, desalination has received enormous investments. According to Abu-Arabi (2007), in 2004 the number of desalination industries reached 30 and they can supply 1.1 billion cubic metres of fresh water per year. Wastewater reuse is regarded as another future means of water provision. According to Bashitialshaaer et al (2009), in 2009 there were 33 wastewater treatment plants with a capacity of 748 billion cubic metres per year. 3. Requirements Cost should be the principal consideration of water provision because an expensive cost might limit the scale of application of methods. This also includes the cost of energy consumption. Social acceptance plays a significant role in the development of water supply technologies. If the water cannot be accepted by society, it will lead to very little consumption. Environment has a profound influence on human beings. In order to prevent water supply technology undermining the environment, its impacts on the environment should be considered. 4. Presentation of options 4.1 Desalination Desalination is â€Å"a specific treatment process to take minerals from saline water to purify for drinking water and irrigation†(Al-Sahlawi, 1999). Sometimes this process is used to take salinity and other pollutants from wastewater. The general method of desalination is reverse osmosis or multi-stage flash distillation (Lone Star Chapter of the Sierra Club, 2008). 4.2 Water Reuse Water reuse means treating wastewater to a specific quality, and then using treated or reclaimed water from one application for another application (McKenzie, 2005; Asano, 2006). The resources for wastewater reuse are various; according to Asano (2006), they could be domestic wastewater, industrial sewage, municipal sewage or agricultural wastewater. 5. Comparison of Options 5.1 Cost Although the cost of desalination has decreased dramatically in the past three decades, it is still expensive to use in large scale. Alghariani (2003) points out that the expenditure of desalination consists of initial investment for equipment, running costs (including staff and maintenance), as well as chemicals or specialised parts. At present, according to the Third World Water Assessment Report (UNESCO, 2009: 155), the average cost of desalination is between $0.60/m ³ and $0.80/m ³. Moreover, Owens and Brunsdale (2000, cited in Alghariani, 2003: 5) claim that the cost of desalination in Florida can even be less than $0.55/m ³, which is one-tenth of the cost price in 1979. However, as Wright (2009) points out, this cost is still higher than other water supply technologies. Apart from expenditure, desalination is generally considered a high-cost process due to the enormous energy consumption (Abu-Arabi, 2007). Nevertheless, this does not seem to be a problem for Saudi Arabia. According to the CIA (2010), the proven oil and gas reserves in Saudi Arabia are respectively the first and fifth in the world. As Abu-Arabi (2007) points out, in Saudi Arabia the annual solar energy received by each square kilometre of land is equivalent to 1.5 million barrels of crude oil. Abundant energy may lead to a low price. Nevertheless, oil is non-renewable and oil reserves are estimated to last less than one century (World Energy Council, 2010), so the consumption of energy should be taken into account as a considerable cost. Moreover, the treatment of the waste gas generated by desalination also increases the cost (Al-Sahlawi, 1999). The cost of water reuse is influenced by various factors such as treatment level, intended reuse options, location of treatment, wastewater collection and transportation. According to Qadir et al (2009), the average cost of recycling water is approximately $1.79 per cubic metre. However, compared to desalination, wastewater reuse has the advantage of cost. Fryer (2010) demonstrates that the relative marginal cost of seawater desalination is higher than water recycling, and amounts to up to $2000 per acre-foot. The water recycling represented a general fluctuation pattern between approximately $300 and $1000 per acre-foot (Fryer, 2010). Even so, water recycling appears cheaper than desalination. 5.2 Social acceptance While both options can generate safe water, desalination seems to have higher social acceptance. Sloane (2009) investigated the acceptance of desalination and water reuse at Nourieh Palms. As shown in Table 2, in all areas but particularly drinking water, the approval rate for desalination is higher than water reuse. This reflects that more people trust the quality of water which is generated by desalination. Source: Sloane (2009: 128) For most uses, reclaimed water tends to have lower social acceptance than desalination. There are various reasons why people do not trust reclaimed water. First, most people do not understand the difference between treated and untreated water (McKenzie, 2005). Secondly, they are often concerned about the type of wastewater, treatment levels and the availability of information (Qadir, 2009). There are particular concerns with the wastewater produced by the petroleum industry, brought to the surface when drilling oil. This kind of wastewater is difficult to treat due to the high content of oil (Asatekin and Mayes, 2009). Therefore, though reclaimed water undergoes a very thorough treatment process which makes it entirely safe to drink, the public are reluctant to drink treated sewage. However, it is not impossible that people will accept drinking such treated sewage. For example, Singapore has successfully used reclaimed water, a product named NEWater, to supply drinking water (Tortajada, 2006). This reflects that treated wastewater could become widely accepted through public education. 5.3 Influence on environment There are some environmental disadvantages of desalination. Since Saudi Arabia is rich in oil and gas, clean energy such as solar energy tends to be used less than fossil energy (Al-Sahlawi, 1999). The overuse of fossil energy may cause serious environmental pollution. For instance, oil might generate large quantities of carbon dioxide, which is the main factor leading to global warming (Al-Aza, 2005). Furthermore, the gas emissions from oil could undermine the ozone layer and cause acid rain (ibid.). In addition to environmental pollution caused by fossil energy, brine discharge is another serious problem. After desalination, the brines generally have a higher concentration of salt, nearly twice that of natural seawater (Tsiourtis, 2002). The brines are generally discharged back to the same place where the seawater comes from. This might lead to increased concentration of salt in the sea, which is a potential threat to aquatics. In contrast with the desalination, wastewater reuse is regarded as an eco-friendly way to supply fresh water. Recycling water can maximise the use of rainfall and other current water resources so that the limited underground water resources can be conserved (Miller, 2005). In the meantime, decreased energy consumption could reduce the pollution caused by the use of fossil energy (Ghermandi et al, 2007). Therefore, recycled water is a sustainable and eco-friendly method to supply good quality fresh water. 6. Conclusion From the information given above, the following conclusions can be drawn: 1) Both desalination and wastewater reuse are feasible water supply technologies. 2) The cost of desalination has decreased dramatically, but is still far more than water reuse. Desalination requires more capital and energy. 3) Reclaimed water has low public acceptance, especially for drinking water. 4) Desalination could undermine the environment, while water reuse is eco-friendly. 7. Recommendation Considering the cost and the impact on the environment, wastewater reuse is recommended to be used as the main water supply technology. Although the public acceptance of recycled water is lower than desalination, the example of Singapore has proven that reclaimed water could be accepted in daily life. Desalination is a costly water supply technology. Furthermore, it needs a vast amount of energy. Even if Saudi Arabia has abundant oil and gas reserves, as these resources are non-renewable, desalination is not suitable for sustainable water supply. Additionally, it has detrimental influences upon the environment. Therefore, Saudi Arabia should improve the ratio of wastewater reuse in the whole fresh water supply system. 8. References Abderrahman, W. (2000). Urban Water Management in Developing Arid Countries. Water Resources Development 16 (1) pp7-20. Abu-Arabi, M. (2007). Status and Prospects for Solar Desalination in the Mena Region. In Rizzuti, L., Ettouney, H., and Cipollina, A. (eds.) Solar Desalination for the 21st Century: A Review of Modern Technologies and Researches on Desalination Coupled to Renewable Energies (pp163-178). Dordrecht: Springer. Al-Aza, M. (2005). Oil Pollution and Its Environmental Impact in the Arabian Gulf Region. Boston: Elsevier. Alghariani, S. (2003). Water Transfer Versus Desalination in North Africa: Sustainability and Cost Comparison. London: School of Oriental and African Studies. Al-Sahlawi, M. (1999). Seawater Desalination in Saudi Arabia: Economic Review and Demand Projections. Desalination (123) pp143-147. Asano, T. (2006). Water Reuse: Issues, Technologies and Applications. New York: McGraw Hill. Asatekin, A. And Mayes, A. (2009). Oil Industry Wastewater Treatment with Fouling Resistant Membranes Containing Amphiphilic Comb Copolymers. Evrion. Sci. Technol. 43 (12) pp. 4487-4492. Bashitialshaaer, R., Persson, K., and Larsson, M. (2009). Estimated Future Production of Desalinated Seawater in the MENA Countries and Consequences for the Recipients. Dubai: IDA World Congress. Brooks, D. (2007). Fresh Water in the Middle East and North Africa. In Lipchin, C., Pallant, E., Saranga, D. And Amster, A. (eds.) Water Resources Management and Security in the Middle East (pp. 33-64). Dordrecht: Springer. CIA (2011). Saudi Arabia. Retrieved 5 April 2011 from Fryer J. (2010). An Investigation of the Marginal Cost of Seawater Desalination in California. Retrieved 5 April 2011 from Ghermandi, A., Bixio, D. And Thoeye, C. (2007). The Role of Free Water Constructed Wetlands As Polishing Step in Municipal Wastewater Reclamation and Reuse. Science of the Total Environment. 380 (1-3) pp. 247-258. Lone Star Chapter of the Sierra Club (2008). Desalination: Is It Worth the Salt?. Retrieved 5 April 2011 from McKenzie, C. (2005). Wastewater Reuse Conserves Water and Protects Waterways. On Tap Winter 44 (4) pp46-51. Miller, G. (2005). Integrated Concepts in Water Reuse: Managing Global Water Needs. Desalination 187 (1-3) pp. 65-75. Tsiourtis, N. (2002). Desalination and the Environment. Desalination. 141 (3) pp. 223-236. UNESCO (2009). The United Nations World Water Development Report, 3: Water in a Changing World. Paris and London: Earthscan. Qadir, M., Bahri, A., Sato, T., and Al-Karadsheh, E. (2009). Wastewater Production, Treatment and Irrigation in the Middle East and North Africa. Biomedical and Life Science 24 (1-2) pp37-51. Sloane, T. (2009). Water Provision: A Comparative Analysis. London: Sage. Tortajada, C. (2006). Water Management in Singapore. International Journal of Water Resources Development (22) pp. 227-240. Williamson, F. (2010). Water Management: Traditional and Alternative Approaches. International Resource Management. 15(2) pp. 227-231. World Bank (2011). Saudi Arabia. Retrieved 5 April 2011 from World Energy Council (2010). Issues. Retrieved 5 April 2011 from Wright, G. (2009). The Economic Feasibility of Desalination for Water Supply to Arid Regions. Global Water Issues 13 (2) pp202-206.
Saturday, September 28, 2019
Scurity Policy Framework Outline Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Scurity Policy Framework Outline - Essay Example Agencies must in a position to share intelligence (personal data included) self-assuredly knowing it is dependable (Siponen, 2000), comprehensible and safeguarded to contracted standards irrespective of the format or the transmission mechanism. 1. This is the first of five Security Policies inside the ASWERA Security Policy Framework; delineating the obligatory security necessities and organizational provisions and measures to which all Branches and Agencies ought to adhere to (Gaggis, 2005). 2. Governance provisions for security highly depend on the conglomerate amid the midpoint of Administration, Branches, and Agencies (Siponen, 2000), persons employed in the security group, their distribution partners, and eventually all employed staff on behalf of ASWERA. 3. The Official Committee on Security is accountable for articulating the security policy and organizing its solicitation across management. Official Committee on Security is responsible for dealing with international societies (Keukeleire & Macnaughtan, 2008). Cabinet Office Government Security Secretariat specifies the secretariat for the Official Committee on Security and is accountable for initializing and collaborating this outline (Siponen, 2000), guaranteeing acquiescence with the least necessities, associate Departments and organizing an annual report to the Official Committee on Security on the state of security across Management (Keukeleire & Macnaughtan, 2008). Cabinet Office Government Security Secretariat performs its duties closely with the security and information society in evolving and reconsidering the security policies (Siponen, 2000). 4. Whilst security is a mutual concern for all the staff and the contractors, ultimate concern for security respites with Accounting Officers and their corresponding Management Panels, which ought to include a Senior Information Risk Owner (Siponen, 2000). The efficient use embracing the sharing and security of intelligence is a fundamental significance
Friday, September 27, 2019
Principles of Finance Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Principles of Finance - Essay Example According to the paper the total cost of a project consists of cost of capital, assets, labor expenses, intermediate resources, staff salaries and production expenses among others. Costs can be in different forms, such as real, nominal, primary, secondary, associated expenses and project expenses among others. Hence, while appraising the equipment and facilities manufactured by Danforth Limited and Donnalley Limited, one would have to compute as well as compare the costs involved in both of them. The product of the company that involves relatively less expenses should be chosen over the other. This discussion stresses that if the scenario is such that the rejection of Dynamo project by Radiant Laundry would lead to the introduction of an identical product by a direct rival, then Radiant Laundry should take a decision on it on the basis of a time period more than 10 years. This is because this project is not viable when considered for a period of around 10 years. Moreover, another imperative point to be considered by Radiant Laundry is the redundant effect the rival’s product would have on its sales figure. If the introduction of a similar product by a direct rival dose not hampers the sales of Radiant to a large extent, then the company should avoid taking up the Dynamo project. The following segment of the paper focuses on the sensitivity analysis of the project’s NPV on to annual net cash flows and cost of capital individually.... Additionally it has been ascertained that the estimated salvage value of the facility after 10 years would be equivalent to $80,000, which is much higher than that of Dansforth Limited’s equipment. Furthermore, the economic life of Danforth Limited’s equipment facility is only 5 years while that of Donnalley Limited is 10 years. This implies that during the 10 years time frame, the total cost involved with the purchase of equipment from Danforth Limited would be doubled. Consequently, the total costs over the project life of 10 years for Danforth Limited would be more than that of Donnalley Limited by $2 million. Hence it would be advisable for Radiant Laundry Products Company to purchase the specialised equipment and packaging facilities from Donnalley Limited. Analysis of Cash Flow Capital budgeting choices are supposed to be based on cash flows, instead of accounting profits. Additionally it is the incremental cash flows that are applicable (Broyles, 2003; Polimeni & Et. Al., 1994). Thus, we would compute the additional cash flow that Radiant Limited expects to generate if it implements the Dynamo project. The components for the computation of cash flow for the Dynamo Project are as follows: Investment for test marketing = $1,500,000 Cost of Equipment= $2,000,000 Total Initial Investment = $3,500,000, Cost of funds: 15% Salvage value = $80,000 Economic life= 10 Depreciation per year (at the rate of 30% on the reducing balance basis) Year Rate Value of Equipment Depreciation 1 30% 2000000 600000 2 1400000 420000 3 980000 294000 4 686000 205800 5 480200 144060 6 336140 100842 7 235298 70589.4 8 164708.6 49412.6 9 115296.0 34588.8 10 80707.2 24212.2
Thursday, September 26, 2019
Sontag believes movies Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Sontag believes movies - Essay Example Typically, since movies are created to depict a dynamic narrative of life under a rare perspective with striking parallels to the circumstances of reality, the watcher becomes gradually kidnapped by such an essence that occurs to fulfill the movie’s objective of getting the viewer seek profound relevance. As the movie serves a vehicle that takes one to reflect with vivid imagination and pertinent emotion at depth, the act of kidnapping, as Sontag puts it to be the principal role assumed by the film, is sustained. On the other hand, Norma’s observation that movies lost art during the arrival of the talkies in the late 1920s tends to signify reference to the aesthetic value of a motion picture. At a time, people sought inspiration from the fast-paced scenes with basic tale-like themes and muted dialogues that captivated illusions so that movie, as an art piece, seemed at that period governed by an ideal rather than real or factual principle of transporting the audience in a journey of pure heroic sentiments. Losing art though does not appear to wholly pertain to depriving the film of the essence of beauty found in its fictitious elements of presentation during transition to a decade in which the incorporation of sound would add prominence to the acts in virtual display. Both Desmond and Sontag necessitated making such judgment to indicate a change toward revolution and the loss of traditional craft is just a single aspect that needed occurrence to permit innovation or a new concept and approach.
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
Legal-business Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Legal-business - Assignment Example EFFECTIVITY DATE: This agreement executed by the â€Å"FIRST PARTY†and the â€Å"SECOND PARTY†shall start to commence on ______________, 2011 and ending on _____________, 2012, renewable thereafter upon such terms as may be agreed upon by both parties as long as they are still employees of ABC CORPORATION; 2. DATING POLICY: The parties herein agree that they shall abide by the dating policy guidelines imposed in the Employee Handbook of ABC CORPORATION, and shall be subjected to fine, sanctions and penalties, for any violation of the provisions of the aforementioned dating policy; 3. PURPOSE: The purpose for which this agreement was executed is to free ABC CORPORATION, the employer of both parties, from any liability in the event the romantic dating relationship of both parties shall end; 4. ... parties herein agree that any disputes resulting from the romantic dating relationship shall be resolved only within office premises, and with the intervention of Management through the Human Resource Department; 6. WAIVER: This agreement shall serve as a waiver in the event that any of the herein parties shall attempt to file a Sexual Harassment case in court. 7. MODIFICATION OF THE CONTRACT: The agreement shall not be, in any way, be amended, modified or except by virtue of a written instrument duly signed by the duly â€Å"FIRST PARTY†AND â€Å"SECOND PARTY. 8. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have affixed their signatures herein below on the date and place first above written. __________________________ ___________________________ FIRST PARTY SECOND PARTY By: By: ________________________________ _______________________________ SIGNED IN THE PRESENCE OF: _________________________________ ________________________________ ACKNOWLEDGEMENT United States of America) State of __ ___________) Before me, this _______ day of April, 2011, personally appeared: NAME GOV. ID WITH PIC PLACE ISSUED/ DATE Known to me as the same persons who executed the foregoing instrument, and they acknowledged to me that the same is their free act and deed. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand, and affixed my notarial seal on the day, year and place above written. ____________________ Notary Public MEMORANDUM DATE: APRIL 12, 2011 TO: ALL EMPLOYEES FROM: HOTEL MANAGEMENT RE: â€Å"ENGLISH ONLY†RULE IN THE HOTEL PREMISES ______________________________________________________________________________ This memorandum serves as a guideline on the new policy imposed by the hotel to regarding the strict implementation of â€Å"English Only†Rule, as the medium of communication among the hotel
Tuesday, September 24, 2019
MANAGING PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
MANAGING PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT - Essay Example ersonal styles. My own results from taking the inventory report that my strengths lie mostly in musical, existential and intrapersonal intelligences, as I got a perfect score on these sections. Next to these, I scored 90 in Kinesthetic and Verbal intelligences, followed by a score of 70 in naturalist, interpersonal and visual intelligences. I scored lowest in logical intelligence, garnering a score of 60. VARK Test VARK stands for Visual, Aural, Read/Write and Kinesthetic learning styles. It is an online questionnaire that asks 16 questions to measure which reflects the learning style of the test-taker. VISUAL- learners who would like to see it on the whiteboard, flip charts, walls, graphics, pictures, colour. AUDITORY-learners who would like to sit back and listen. ... Team roles improve self-knowledge and understanding among individuals and teams. They also depict a current behavioral pattern at a certain point in a person’s life. Preferences are not fixed, since many factors can influence behavior, whether a new job, promotion or circumstances outside work. My Belbin Test Results Preferred Roles: Teamworker Manageable Roles: Resource Investigator/ Plant Least Preferred Roles: Shaper MBTI (Myers-Briggs test) This theory measures psychological preferences in how people perceive the world and make decisions. The preferences indicate the differences in people based on the following: How they focus their attention or get their energy (Extraversion or Introversion) How they perceive or take in information (Sensing or Intuition) How they prefer to make decisions (Thinking or Feeling) How they orient themselves to the external world (Judgment or Perception) Myer-Briggs Test Result: ESFJ & ENFJ Self-Assessments Self-assessments are effective ways f or individuals to evaluate themselves to see how far they have come in terms of progress in one area or another and to know their strengths and weaknesses. Self-assessments can come in various forms. Some are simple reflective practices while others entail taking some tests. Self-assessments, including those done by practitioners in clinical environments are truly helpful in one’s learning and professional development as individuals who assess themselves either through reflective practice or test-taking, find ways to be better learners. This begins with the realization that they need to improve on the weaknesses reflected in the assessment as well as honing the
Monday, September 23, 2019
To What Degree May We Argue That The Essential Elements of Essay
To What Degree May We Argue That The Essential Elements of Contemporary Diplomacy Were Present in Ancient Times - Essay Example The diplomats are solely charged with the duty of issuing peace-making strategies, negotiating on wars, trade ties and the human rights protection. Diplomats normally negotiate the international treaties prior to the endorsement by the nation-wide politicians. Generally, diplomacy is then employment of various actions to gain a mutually acceptable mitigation to a common challenge between different states. This research paper explains the traces of the presence of diplomacy in the ancient times. Indeed diplomacy existed among states in the ancient times. This is traced back in the emergence of the Hiberno-Roman relations agreements to solve issues arising between these two states1. This Hiberno-Roman relations specifically points out the ancient relationships tilted mainly towards economic and cultural ties between the Greece and her neighbouring states. This relationship was between the ancient Roman Empire and Ireland (Hibernia)2. This diplomatic relation lasted from the time of Julius Caesar until the beginning of the 5th century AD. This diplomatic relation was because of the fierce nature of the Ireland state by the Roman Empire. Ireland was the only nation of the Western Europe that was not ruled by the Rome. The diplomatic relation acquired in the Hiberno-Roman treaty greatly gained these two states. These agreements improved the commercial status of these two states. The cultural ties as well were improved between these states because of the cultural exchange that e merged because of this diplomatic treaty. Another empirically based trace of ancient diplomacy is traced in the foreign relations in the imperial china and her neighbouring states. The imperial China state had a long tradition of foreign ties. This is well captured in the ancient times since the Qin dynasty to Qing dynasty respectively during this era3. The diplomatic relations emerged between china and her neighbouring states because of its
Sunday, September 22, 2019
American Writers Essay Example for Free
American Writers Essay Ernest Hemingway’s writing is among the most recognizable and influential prose of the twentieth century. Many critics believe his style was influenced by his days as a cub reporter for the Kansas City Star, where he had to rely on short sentences and energetic English. Hemingway’s technique is uncomplicated, with plain grammar and easily accessible language. His hallmark is a clean style that eschews adjectives and uses short, rhythmic sentences that concentrate on action rather than reflection. Though his writing is often thought of as â€Å"simple,†this generalization could not be further from the truth. He was an obsessive reviser. His work is the result of a careful process of selecting only those elements essential to the story and pruning everything else away. He kept his prose direct and unadorned, employing a technique he termed the â€Å"iceberg principle. †In Death in the Afternoon he wrote, â€Å"If a writer of prose knows enough about what he is writing about he may omit things that he knows and the reader, if the writer is writing truly enough, will have a feeling of those things as strongly as though the writer had stated them. The dignity of movement of the iceberg is due to only one-eighth of it being above water. †Hemingway is also considered a master of dialogue. The conversations between his characters demonstrate not only communication but also its limits. The way Hemingway’s characters speak is sometimes more important than what they say, because what they choose to say (or leave unsaid) illuminates sources of inner conflict. Sometimes characters say only what they think another character will want to hear. In short, Hemingway captures the complexity of human interaction through subtlety and implication as well as direct discourse. The writers of Hemingway’s generation are often termed â€Å"Modernists. †Disillusioned by the large number of casualties in World War I, they turned away from the nineteenth-century, Victorian notions of morality and propriety and toward a more existential worldview. Many of the era’s most talented writers congregated in Paris. Ezra Pound, considered one of the most significant poets of the Modernist movement, promoted Hemingway’s early work, as did F. Scott Fitzgerald, who wrote to his editor, Maxwell Perkins, on Hemingway’s behalf. The powerful impact of Hemingway’s writing on other authors continues to this day. Writers as diverse as Bret Easton Ellis, Chuck Palahniuk, Elmore Leonard, and Hunter S. Thompson have credited him with contributing to their styles. Direct, personal writing full of rich imagery was Hemingway’s goal. Nearly fifty years after his death, his distinctive prose is still recognizable by its economy and controlled understatement. 18 †¢ THE BIG READ National Endowment for the Arts.
Saturday, September 21, 2019
Conflict Management Essay Example for Free
Conflict Management Essay I have read the ACAP Student Plagiarism and Academic Misconduct Policy and understand its implications. I also declare, if this is a practical skills assessment, that a Client/Interviewee Consent Form has been read and signed by both parties, and where applicable parental consent has been obtained. 6th January, 2014. Today I reflect on a conflict that happened recently at work and at times can be an on-going issue within my workplace. Christmas/New Year is the busiest time of the year in the Deli department, and my manager is in charge to obtain enough staff to handle these shifts. Conflict escalated, when my manager began giving 30 hours to all the junior staff, while I was only receiving 8 hours a week. As a result, I was extremely angry with my manager, as I felt, because of my age, I was over-looked for shifts. My manager did not diffuse the situation by explaining her reasons and chose to ignore me, which resulted in this conflict situation initially evolving from a covert situation (non-cooperation) to soon showing attributes and levels from the overt spiral, from Eunson’s (2007) conflict spiral (p. 2). This finally resulted in complaining, which then began escalating to anger and eventually arguments between not only my manager, but with other staff members on my team. On reflection, I would normally not let a situation like this escalate to the point that it did. DeVito (2009), states that interpersonal conflict is inevitable, and that conflict can have both negative and positive effects, depending on how the conflict is handled (p. 278). I belie ve in this effect, this conflict actually did have a positive outcome. After stepping back to cool down, I approached my manager to ask why I had been overlooked. Seeing that I had calmed down, she explained to me that she had planned to give me extra hours in the New Year as she knew I would be taking the time off for study commitments. She explained her hands were tied from management and to make it fair, she divided the shifts between us over the Christmas/New Year period. On reflection of this, my manager was hoping for a win-win for all of us, though at the time I did not see this and chose to enter conflict. Perhaps if I had shown more empathy and better listening skills, for example; taking the time to listen to the needs of others, as well as stating my own needs (DeVito, 2009. p. 280) and worked for collaboration and negotiation instead of a I win-You lose competing attitude where my needs and desires came first and gave little thought to anyone else (DeVito, 2009, p. 279) this situation would not have escalated the conflict spiral (Eunson, 2007, p. 12) the way it had done. 14th January, 2014 Today I reflect on a conflict which happened today between my husband and myself. Based on Eunson’s (2007) conflict spiral model (p. 12), this conflict evolved from a covert situation (non-cooperation) and soon escalated to an overt situation (nagging, followed by a brief argument). My husband was required to complete some paper work for a government department and was given a due date but he had failed to complete it. This resulted in his payments being temporarily suspended. As a result, conflict between us emerged, and a heated exchange of words took place. I had asked him on several occasions whether he had completed this paper-work and each time, I was met with an â€Å"I’ll get to it†response. (Cornelius Faire, 2006, p. 37). states; Wherever possible, the task is to continue the win/win approach, to show others the value and beliefs of cooperation. In this instance, I felt that my husband was ignoring my request to complete this paper-work as not only would this affect his payments, but it would also have an effect of me, and the last thing I wanted was for us to continue bickering and escalate this situation further. After the way I handled my previous conflict at work, this time, I decided to approach this conflict from a different perspective and approach it differently. This time I wanted to keep the conflict in perspective (DeVito 2009) and not blow it out of proportion to the extent it would escalate further up the conflict spiral (Eunson 2007). Instead, this time I sat down with my husband and listened to why he hadn’t completed the paper-work. I needed to understand what he was feeling and why he was feeling this way and as a result discovered that he was unsure on some of the questions and didn’t quite know how to complete it properly. After going through the paper-work with him and helping him complete it, it was sent off and the issue was resolved and his payments restored. On reflection, because I feel I had used a better conflict management technique, and used empathic and objective listening skills (DeVito 2009) I was able to ascertain my husband’s reluctance in completing the paper-work which then resulted in me sitting down with him to help him through completing it. Integrated Statement Reflecting back over the past few weeks, I can honestly say I did not realise that there were different personal styles of handling conflict. Eunson (2007) lists five different approaches to conflict based on conflict analysts Kenneth Thomas and Ralph Kilman TKI mode. Until recently, my method would be to avoid conflict and rather than face and tackle the conflict head on, I would rather walk away from it. After reading through and analysing both Eunson (2007) and DeVito (2009) texts on conflict management, it did ot occur to me that I could allow conflicts to fester and grow (DeVito, 2009, p. 280) and I was facing a lose-lose situation. My conflict at work, where I now feel I was using the competing mode of I win-You lose (DeVito, 2009, p. 279) realised this mode was in fact causing more conflict within the workplace. Reading through the Thomas-Kilman TKI, I decided to approach my manager with the compromising approach. I knew I would never achieve the result I wanted, and therefore realised that a compromise would be an acceptable outcome where I would achieve at least some positive results. My conflict with my husband again proved I was willing to adapt and change my approach to this conflict. By collaborating with my husband and aiming for a win-win approach, by using effective empathetic and listening skills, this conflict was sorted out successfully. In summarising, I have discovered each of us is capable of using all five conflict handling modes. None of us can be characterised as having a single style of dealing with conflict. We each learn to adapt to the conflict at hand. Certain people may use some of these modes better than others and, therefore, tend to rely on those modes more heavily than others – whether because of their temperament or practice. By thinking a conflict through, and by using active listening skills and using empathy, we can all hopefully achieve a win-win solution to our conflict.
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